Vanjas Meditation

The circle of knowledge of nature and self-healing is an interesting mix of natural skills which help to turn every singular human suffering in life into a quality which strengthens us, enlightening and making us BETTER PEOPLE, and giving us LIFE PURPOSE.


The concept of my work is a psychological technique which is distributed thro meditation. During which we use gentle, stimulating pictures to strengthen our persona, shattering the fake, useless, outdated patterns (beliefs) which we get through the collective, familiar and individual consciousness.

These beliefs create patterns of behavior, which our soul registers as mistakes. Those so-called ‘’mistakes’’ create suffering and emotional pain, therefore leading to new emotional scars. These scars are mostly just old, newly reopened wounds. By the principle “fight fire with fire.”

“Every wound such as these create real pain, and every pain and ounce of suffering split ourselves into pieces. In this process, we lose a piece of OURSELVES…”

Sometimes emotional scars are created in this life, and sometimes in a past one, which the soul carried into this one.

The circle of knowledge of nature and self-healing is an interesting mix of natural skills. They help us to turn every singular human suffering in life into a quality which strengthens us. Enlightening us and making us BETTER PEOPLE. Giving us LIFE PURPOSE.

To become whole once more we must track back along the steps of misery back to the forgotten parts of our soul and rebind them into a whole.

Only then will our monetary, emotional, health burdens and business blockades get lifted, and patients themselves say: ”I don’t know how, but my problems were taken away in a single swoop.”

We become stronger, healthier, happier for every current and future event in our lives.

Da bismo postali ponovo ’’celi’’ mi se moramo vratiti tragom patnje do tih zaboravljenih delova duše i prihtatiti ih u celinu. Tada se mnoge teske bolesti, emotivne, novčane ili poslovne blokade razreše, a ljudi kojima se to dogodilo kažu: ”Ne znam kako i kad, ali moji problemi su nestali kao rukom odneti.”

Mi postajemo jači, zdraviji, uspešniji, srećniji za svaki sadašnji i budući izazov u životu.

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